dramatic production

na. 上演
[网络] 戏剧化呈现;简报魅力



  1. North Korea has taken dramatic steps toward fulfilling its threat to resume production of nuclear weapons material.
  2. Informix has recently made some dramatic and significant changes to the licensing model including "for-purchase" and "free" editions that can be downloaded and used in production.
  3. In recent years, there has been a dramatic growth in the production of bear bile products, which has spawned a market for a whole new range of items far removed from the formulations of traditional Chinese medicine.
  4. Just stay home in your normal life and be a good person. There's no reason to make a big dramatic production over this.
  5. Eat or drink too much of a good thing, and simple sugars can stimulate unhealthy effects, like dramatic spikes in blood sugar and triglyceride production that can lead to heart disease.
  6. Commercial production of poultry in units located in or near cities and towns has led to a dramatic increase in poultry meat and egg production in many developing countries.
  7. During the onset and progression of cancer, cells undergo dramatic changes in carbohydrate expression ( production).
  8. In recent years, dramatic changes have taken place in the world ′ s natural gas market landscape, in terms of production, marketing and international trade.
  9. The scenery and other properties used to identify the location of a dramatic production.
  10. I once saw a dramatic production of "the lady in white".
  11. A person who supervises the creative aspects of a dramatic production or film and instructs the actors and crew.
  12. Along with the dramatic increase of asphalt production, asphalt pavement has become a major form of road pavement.
  13. Agricultural intensification through the use of high-yielding crop varieties, chemical fertilizers and pesticides, irrigation, and mechanization has contributed substantially to dramatic increases in food production.
  14. This article discusses the main features of dramatic conflicts from the angle of dramatic aesthetics and production, so that the playwrights can handle the law of dramatic art and produce f 'me works of art.
  15. Studies on Communication System of Dramatic Production in Late Ming Dynasty A Recollection of the Traditional Opera Perform information
  16. Providing the way of introspection in promoting the cultivation of human mind is the unique character as well as its outstanding contribution of traditional native Chinese psychology. Geiogamah ′ s Return to Traditional Native Culture in His Dramatic Production
  17. Through the years between 1996 and 1998 during which China has witnessed the extraordinary days of foreign newsprint dumping and antidumping, a dramatic change is taking place in China's newsprint production and market. And China's newsprint industry will gradually step onto a new stage.
  18. There were dramatic rises of respiration and ethylene production during postharvest ripening period of tomato fruits and also during the aging period of preclimacteric tomato fruit discses, the rise of ethylene production always preceded the respiratory rise.
  19. The third technological revolution, which took place in the middle of the 20th century, brought dramatic changes not only to the material production, but also to the spirit production, including artistic production.
  20. Embryonic exposure of rainbow trout to AFB1 results in reduced B-cell memory. A dramatic suppression of immunoglobulin production and lymphocyte proliferation was marked when rainbow trout peripheral blood leucocytes were exposed to AFB1.
  21. Meanwhile, with the dramatic increase of productivity and the rapid development of science and technology, great changes have taken place in of the mode of production, and 'leisure' has gradually become an important component of modern life.
  22. Beginning in the mid-20th century, a dramatic change of political and economic situation to challenge traditional cultural forms, and new technology, new production and transmission patterns and effectively transform the cultural pattern.
  23. With the dramatic increase of the marketing demands, the production capacity of the dry products workshop becomes the bottleneck of the business development of the company.
  24. On the contrary, the mode of historical dramatization has not been fully recognized and interpreted in theory although it is the right mode of dramatic production and theoretical criticism, and it has gained great achievements in the production of the modern Chinese historical drama.